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Cloud Geometry
Cloud Geometry
Acrylic, RGB light active
250 X 450
commission mural
Every time you watch a white wall and think about what to create and what to leave blank. It's almost as watching the sky. you cannot exactly explain what is happening, or how but it's here, in front of you. As usual, I worked on the structure of the space, according to my color charts. I tried to match the colors with additions and subtractions. clouds are build by condensation with water, air... I could explain everything here, but I think a physician can explain better.
This piece is about their architecture. it's abstract and it's not.
cloud are intangible and temporary. i wanted to create an elusive visual of a physical reaction.
The pursue of light study implies confronting facts and observations. light is not a single item you can put a side, it's an environment, with habitat and actors unpredictable and at the same time so organized.
also while I was doing the color chart, I thought of working by adding or subtracting from each other, side by side, and of course the RGB reaction.
Cloud Geometry
sketch and close ups.
Cloud Geometry
mural painting, RGB led lights interactions
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